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Global university network

Global university Intranet, connecting the majority of ONU divisions.

To see the schema of local ONU network  (will open in a new window)

Computer park of the Odessa I.I.Mechnikova national university contents of more than 2000 IBM-compatible computers. More than half from them (from above 1100) are connected to a university computer network which unites in uniform information space more than 16 faculty and cathedral local computer networks located in 9 buildings of an university campus. Any computer of a network has access in the Internet and already more than 600 employees of university use a post server of university.

The beginning of construction of a local network of university was necessary in 2003, and already by the end of 2004 year 5 cases of university have been connected to the central unit of a network with the help of various technologies. At present all dean's offices, administration are connected to a network, administration campus and scientific library of university also. Our network is unique in Odessa. At construction a LAN of university have been used such technologies, as Gigabit Ethernet, Radio Ethernet, optical fiber and VDSL connections. The maximal distance of objects in a network makes more than 8 km. General extent of Fast Ethernet and Gigabit Ethernet cables exceeds 15 km. The main directions of a network are executed on Gigabit Ethernet technologies with use of modern controlled routers and switchboards, mainly marks Allied Telesyn. Besides it 11 server substations take part in managerial process by a local network under the control of Unix-systems.

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Friday, January 25

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