бесплатный план

Department IAC

Grinevych Viktor Sergiyovych
Department for international academic collaborationsа

Head of the Department
Senior Scientist, PhD (Phys.& Math.)
Grinevych Viktor Sergiyovych

The Department of International Academic Collaborations (IAC ) organizes and realizes mutual international, scientific and educational programs for the Odessa National I.I.Mechnikov University in the field of education, science and humanitarian cooperation.

The Department:

- Elaborates, supervises and implements together with the University subdivisions the international interinstitutional agreements

- Ensures electronic communications facilities for ONU

- Ensures the updated information about the ONU activities

- Participates in the humanitarian activities (e.g. with the World Christian Students Organization INTERVARSITY realized the joint leisure for the students of ONU and other higher education institutions of the South Ukraine aiming the moral and spiritual mutual enrichment.

- Accumulates and spreads the information on the scientific potential of ONU for the aims of collaboration

- Directly participates in the European Union programmes in the field of higher education standards elaboration ( e.g., The Diploma Supplement , Joint Degrees project and others )..

- Develops and implements different forms of information about ONU activity as a whole and about it's separate subdivisions (wireless, press, TV, printed materials)

- Participates in the specialized scientific European Union projects in the field of science and technology of electronic transducers (NEXUS- project).

- organizes the scientific expertise of international projects

- Elaborates the normative documents in the field of international activity of Odessa National University (besides other things honorary diplomas and their status)

- Realizes interaction with the Foreign Diplomatic Representatives in Ukraine and with their departments in the field of culture, science and education.

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Friday, August 24

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